Shannon (The Perfect) Storms Beador

Life has handed Orange County housewife, Shannon Storms Beador, more than a few lemons. But time again she has chosen to put nine of them in a bowl, and instead of lemonade, she prefers a GreyGoose with sparkling water and lemon. Perhaps that’s why many of us weren’t surprised by her recent DUI arrest. Even more surprising than the current headline is the fact Shannon has had courtroom drama dating back to 2003. From assault charges against her ex husband, David Beador, to multiple more recent lawsuits incusing one against a mega giant tech company she sued for using her face on diet pill ads.  Love her or hate her, Shannon has always put the good, bad, and ugly out there during her 9 year tenure as a real housewife. And while it may not have been *HER* plate (you b!) that night at Javier’s, you can be sure Shannon’s proverbial plate is always full with parenting her girls, running her healthy lifestyle business - Real for Real - and acting as one third of the RHOC friendship trio, “Tres Amigas.” 


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