Kelly Bensimon: Up Here, Down There, and Back

As we anticipate the imminent arrival of the NEW RHONY, Melissa takes us back to Peak RHONY — Scary Island; hop on board if you dare! Here we meet Kelly Bensimon: model, mom… jelly bean lover. As we try to make sense of her “scary” behavior, Melissa informs us there is *literally* more to the story than what aired on the show, but the question is, does it make a difference?  On the heels of RHONY, Kelly didn’t exemplify model behavior and was charged with misdemeanor assault, but that didn’t stop her from publishing multiple books, getting into the luxury real estate game, and being a TikTok disaster.  Come for the nostalgia, stay for the Jeffrey Epstein reference nobody saw coming! 


Kelly Bensimone: Up Here, Down There, and Back


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